Connected Catholics is a group of single, widowed, separated, and divorced Catholic men and women ages 35 and up that provides a social and spiritual network of activities that offer companionship for singles. The group offers a variety of programs and experiences that enrich its members socially, educationally, and spiritually. It is the teams plan to look at events such as bible study, book club, dining out nights, movie night, bowling, hiking, game nights and other activities in the community. In addition we would support events at all the parishes such as soup suppers, Wednesday dinners, bazaars, pancake breakfasts, game nights, etc. Come with ideas of what you would be willing to participate in!

Please join us for an informational meeting and potluck on Saturday, January 24 at 7pm at St Therese Church. For the potluck please bring an appetizer, salad, main dish or dessert to share.
If you need additional information please contact Brenda at 718-0954 or Larry at 355-9087