Since January 2009, the six week Catholics Returning Home program has been held in the Rapid City area. This spring, a group from the Southern Hills area is helping to expand the program to the Custer, Edgemont and Hot Springs area. The Southern Hills program is being lead by Mary Eide and Lonnie Arthur and the program will be held 4:00 – 5:30 PM on Sunday at St John the Baptist Catholic Church Rectory in Custer starting on April 18, 2010.
Last fall, Greg Sass, who leads the Rapid City team, had contacted Lonnie about possibly helping someone from the Custer area attend the series held at Blessed Sacrament in Rapid City. Interest in starting the program grew when both Mary and Lonnie, along with other members of the Southern Hills, attended the Spirituality Initiative at Terra Sancta in January. The Southern Hills parishes decided one of their initiatives would include bringing the Catholics Returning Home program to their area.
Mary and Lonnie attended most of the Winter series in Rapid City, to learn about the program and see how it was ran. In addition, they worked with several of the Rapid City team to help them prepare for a series in the Southern Hills. All this work has paid off with the first series scheduled to begin on April 18th.
For more information about the Southern Hills area series, see the Spring 2010 Southern Hills Series article.
For more information about the Rapid City area series, see the Spring 2010 Rapid City Series article.